My interest in coaching at the end of life began at a time when I didn’t know what my own future held. Throughout my treatment, for a highly aggressive form of breast cancer, I struggled with questions regarding my own life, including how I had lived it, the future of my loved ones, and what I believed waited on the other side of this world.
Finding peace in the midst of chaos was an ongoing process. This ultimately led to my interest in walking the final journey of life with others. Following treatment I became a hospice volunteer and eventually an End of Life coach.
As a result of my hospice experience I recognized the level of support that caretakers, family members and the grieving truly need; and I take pleasure in supporting them as well. I have also completed two years of a Spiritual Life Coaching Certification program. I am available to coach in person, for those living in the Northern Virginia area, or over the phone for those living farther away.