Dr. Don Eisenhauer, MCC
Dr. Don Eisenhauer, MCC, is the founder of Coaching at End of Life, LLC. He is a pastor and a Master Certified Coach (accredited by the International Coach Federation). He is the author of the books Coaching at End of Life and Coach Yourself Through Grief. Don has a passion to help people live fully until they die. He enjoys teaching and equipping coaches, hospice workers, funeral directors, clergy, friends and family members to better support and care for the dying and grieving in their midst.
Don comes to the field of coaching with a wealth of practical and educational experience in end of life care, including:
• 15 years of pastoral ministry
• 19 years as a hospice chaplain, grief care specialist, and grief support group facilitator
• a doctorate in counseling
• ongoing seminars/presentations on end of life issues
Don serves as an End of Life Coach for a Funeral Home. He is a faculty member for other coaching practices, and he leads trainings and seminars throughout the world. He is also the co-founder of the Bereavement Management Group, providing software to help in the care of the grieving.
Jill Beverlin, PCC
Stacey Cook, PCC
As an Expansion Advocate, Stacey Cook, PCC, holds space for others to embrace who they are at their core, where they are in their current situation, and how they wish to be in the world going forward. Drawing on over a decade of experience in the coaching industry, knowledge from her valued mentors, continuous education, and certifications (ICF-PCC, Chopra Global, Barrett’s Values Centre Consultant, Coaching at End of Life and more), she focuses on facilitating journeys of self-discovery, clarity, and growth through life’s many transitions. Currently enhancing her expertise, Stacey is advancing as a faculty in training at Coaching at End of Life, deepening her ability to support individuals at all life stages while teaching others to do the same.
Dr. J. Val Hastings, MCC
Dr. J. Val Hastings, MCC, is the Founder and President of Coaching4Clergy, which provides specialized training for pastors, church leaders and coaches. Val hired his first coach while he was pastoring at a local United Methodist church. His progress was noticeable by all, and he began to wonder, “What if I adopted a coaching approach to ministry? What if the larger church adopted a coaching approach to ministry?” In that moment, a vision began to emerge—a global vision of Every Pastor, Ministry Staff and Church Leader a Coach. Val is the author of the books, The Next Great Awakening: How to Empower God’s People with a Coach Approach to Ministry; Professional Coach Training: Developing Ministry Excellence and Effectiveness; Change Your Questions, Change Your Church: How to Lead with Powerful Questions; and the e-books,1 -2-3 Coach: Start Coaching in 60 Minutes; and Coach Your Way through the Scriptures: A Tangible Way to Use Coaching in Ministry. He also compiled the book, Ministry 3.0: How Today’s Church Leaders Are Using Coaching to Tranform Ministry. Val currently holds the designation of Master Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation, its highest coaching designation.
Jason O’Neill, PCC
Jason O’Neill, PCC, has been coaching professionally since 2012, achieving the ACC credential in 2021 and the PCC credential in 2022. He has been a CEOL-certified Grief and End of Life Coach since 2021. Jason also has a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Texas A&M University, which informs how he coaches and trains.
Jason has logged over 1,400 coaching hours (and counting) just since 2019 and is working toward the MCC credential (ICF). Jason also serves as a Mentor Coach, Coach Trainer, and Coach Evaluator for ELCA Coaching (where he also serves part-time as the Operations Manager) and for Faith+Lead Coaching.
Some other descriptors for Jason, in no particular order: Advocate, Accomplice, and Co-Conspirator for all those pushed to the margins. Intuitive Empath. Transgressive Artist. Lifelong Learner. Writer. Singer. Model. Neurodivergent. Disabled. Husband. Parent to six (6) rescue animals, as well as one cat who crossed the rainbow bridge.