October 10, 2014
Rev. Dr. Mario Garcia, Jr., PCC, is a retired US Army Aviation Captain and has been coaching since 1992. Dr. Mario has coached more than 20,000 clients in 55 countries in English and Spanish. He has earned: Ph.D. in Sport Psychology, Juris Doctor, Theology Masters, and a Masters in Divinity. He is Licensed attorney, Licensed mental Health Counselor, an ICF Registered Mentor Coach, Strategic Intervention Coach, and a CCE Board Certified Coach. Dr Mario has been mentored and serves as a Master Elite Results Coach for one of the top peak performance coaches in the world. Mario is a CEOL Satellite Director serving Hispanic clergy and others. He is the CEO of Dr Mario Lifecoach LLC. He is married to Wanda his wife of 37 years, and they have 3 adult children and 7 grandchildren.
Address: Miami, Florida
Phone Number: 305-480-5800
Email: drmario@lifecoachmario.com
ICF Credential: PCC