End of Life Coach Training
The next live, online End of Life Coach Training is in the process of being scheduled. For interest and more information, contact Don. [button url=”http://coachingatendoflife.com/contact/” background=”#1523f0″ color=”#f5f5f2″ size=”5″ center=”yes” text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #0f0d0d”]Contact Don[/button]
[spacer]- There will be additional buddy coaching and fieldwork assigned during the training, making up the total of 142 training hours.
- Mentor Coaching is offered separately.
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Save Your Place Now in our next End of Life Coach Training
[spacer size=”40″]- Pay a $50 deposit to reserve your place in the next training. (If the class does not begin as scheduled, your payment will be refunded.)
Click the button below for pricing and payment options.
[spacer size=”20″] [button url=”http://coachingatendoflife.com/payment-options-2/” background=”#51fa4a” color=”#0f0d0d” size=”14″ center=”yes” text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #0f0d0d”]Pricing and Payment Options[/button] [spacer]